Thursday, October 17, 2013


When there is something strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call?

Released in 1984 and directed by Ivan Reitman, Ghostbusters has an all star cast; Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Signourney Weaver....just to name a few!

This movie isn't all that scary...unless you are afraid of 300 foot marshmallow men, but it's just such a great classic that I had to watch it. It is really neat seeing a young cast of characters, it is also strange seeing everyone smoking in this movie. Oh how times have changed.

The special effects for the time were really neat, although the whole demon dog leaping from the closet was poorly done. Other than that this movie is really fun to watch and you can catch it on Netflix!

IMDB rates this movie a 7.8 out of 10 stars and Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 92% with an 82% audience approval rating.

Sorry this review is so short, I'm exhausted after a long work week and I still have tomorrow.

Until tomorrow,
Sleep tight and don't let the zombies bite!


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